Payment Plan
Standard cost for lessons is $38.00 per half hour lesson.
Fees are paid monthly in advance
Four (4) week months, $152.00. Five (5) week months, $190.00.
Fees are doubled for hour lessons.
If a student misses a lesson, Theresa, AT HER DISCRETION, can arrange a makeup, if time is available within that week. If there is no call to cancel and you just don’t show up, there will be no makeup lesson.
When Theresa must cancel lessons after the lessons are paid for, they will be made up at no additional charge or credited to the next month.
Due payment date
Theresa collects tuition at the last lesson of the month.
Summer and Holiday Plan
Summer and Holiday Plan:
Lessons that fall on the following holidays will be pro-rated:
Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve & Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve & New Year’s Day.
During the months of June through August, as well as Thanksgiving & Christmas week, lessons will be pro-rated as follows:
5 lessons $190.00
4 lessons $152.00
3 lessons $114.00
2 lessons $76.00
1 lesson $38.00
If your vacation time exceeds one (1) month and you would like to hold your preferred time slot, you will be asked to pay tuition for the month you return.
Theresa’s vacation time will follow the same plan and will be pre-arranged by her with the student.